Generally, we only use or disclose Personal Information about you for the purposes for which it was collected (as set out above) which may involve disclosing your Personal Information to our related entities in the MPM Group, including to fulfil plan management obligations and associated capacity building activities, expand each entity’s service capabilities, and improve the services (including the efficiency and scope of services) offered by each entity within MPM Group. We will ensure those related entities handle your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.
From time to time, we may also disclose Personal Information to third party contractors (including information technology suppliers, administration service providers, communication suppliers and our business partners, including entities engaged by MPM Group to oversee and moderate Platforms), who help us conduct our business or as otherwise required by other Policy requirements. Some third party contractors may be located outside of Australia, including in India, New Zealand, the Philippines and the United States of America.
Where information is shared with these third parties, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that these third parties observe the confidential nature of such information and are prohibited from using or disclosing such information beyond what is necessary to assist us in collecting, processing and storing the information on our behalf as contemplated by this Policy.
Other than third party contractors, MPM Group will seek written consent from you (or your authorised representative) prior to the release of any information about you to an external party (for example, consent will be obtained prior to us speaking with other support providers). This is ordinarily documented in our 'Consent to Obtain and Release Information' form.
If the 'Consent to Obtain and Release Information' form is not completed or does not contemplate the requested release, MPM Group may ask the person(s) seeking information to liaise directly with you or your nominated representative.
You have the right to withhold consent. My Plan Manager will advise you of any known impacts this may have on service delivery and the ability of MPM Group to provide its services.
MPM Group shall work with nominated representatives/guardians in circumstances where you are unable to give informed consent (e.g. to a service agreement). In these cases, nominees and guardians must reflect the needs and goals as identified by you and make decisions regarding privacy and dignity to best maximise your wellbeing in all aspects of your life. MPM Group will try to work with the nominee as required to achieve this end but ultimately the authorised representative is responsible in this regard.