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NDIS claims for participants

In the context of the NDIS, both participants and providers can submit claims. 

That means you can submit claims for reimbursements when you’ve paid out-of-pocket for an NDIS support or service, and you can also submit claims on behalf of a provider if you’ve received an invoice from them.

What’s an NDIS claim?

An NDIS claim is a request made by you, or one of your providers, for payment from your NDIS funding.

With your permission, your providers can submit claims directly to your plan manager, but sometimes NDIS participants prefer to review invoices first and then submit claims on behalf of their providers.

How do participants submit an NDIS claim to My Plan Manager on behalf of providers?

There are two simple ways our clients can submit claims on behalf of their providers – via the My Plan Manager client portal (web and app), or by email.

To submit a claim via our client portal:

  1. Log in
  2. Click the ‘submit claim’ button
  3. Fill out the claim form
  4. Submit the claim form

To submit a claim via email:

  1. Create an email
  2. Add the invoice number to the subject line
  3. Attach a PDF copy of the provider invoice
  4. Send the email (with the invoice attached) to accounts@myplanmanager.com.au 

To avoid a claim being rejected, invoices should always include:

  • A unique invoice number
  • Your provider’s Australian Business Number – also known as an ABN
  • Your provider’s bank details, including BSB and account number
  • Your provider’s contact information, including their email address, street address and phone number
  • Your name
  • Your NDIS participant number
  • The date/s of service/s provided
  • A detailed description of each service provided, including the line item number (split by weekdays, weekends etc, as required), and the quantity of support/hours
  • delivered in each session
  • The hourly rate charged

The NDIA will accept an Australian Taxation Office ‘Statement by a supplier’ form from an exempt provider if they don’t quote an ABN.

What’s a participant reimbursement?

A participant reimbursement is a type of claim that occurs when you pay for an NDIS support – like a product or service – with your own money, and then claim the money back from your NDIS funding.

What NDIS supports can participants be reimbursed for?

You can be reimbursed for most NDIS supports, as long as the NDIA considers the support to be reasonable and necessary, and there’s funding available in your NDIS plan to cover the cost. 

Here’s a couple of examples of NDIS supports you may pay for up front:

  • consumables, like continence products
  • low cost assistive technology (items under $1500), like mobility aids

To avoid a reimbursement request being rejected, it’s recommended you check with your plan manager (like us!) before making an out-of-pocket purchase. At My Plan Manager, our experts provide tailored advice about reimbursements, which gives our clients confidence when making purchases related to their NDIS plans.

How to submit a participant reimbursement request to My Plan Manager

If you purchase an NDIS support using your own money and you want to claim the expense from your NDIS funding, you can submit a reimbursement request. There are two easy ways to do this with My Plan Manager – via our client portal (web and app), or by email.

To submit a reimbursement request via our client portal:

  1. Log in
  2. Click the ‘submit claim’ button
  3. Fill out the claim form
  4. Submit the claim form

The reimbursement request, including the date it was submitted and its status, will be visible in the claims section of the client portal right away – meaning you can easily keep track of it.

To submit a reimbursement request via email:

  1. Create an email
  2. Add ‘Reimbursement request’ to the subject line
  3. Attach a PDF copy of the invoice (showing it’s been paid) or receipt
  4. Send the email (with the PDF attached) to accounts@myplanmanager.com.au

Frequently asked questions about NDIS claims for participants

Afterpay, Zip and PayPal are just a few of the ‘buy now, pay later’ platforms you can choose from when purchasing items for reimbursement through your NDIS funding.

The providers behind these platforms usually offer customers the convenience of paying for purchases across several interest-free instalments and, while that can relieve the burden of out-of-pocket payments, it’s important to know there are rules for claiming for NDIS-funded purchases made this way.

As a requirement of the NDIA, plan managers can’t reimburse participants for buy now, pay later purchases until all cash instalments have been repaid.

That means that when you submit a claim to us, you’ll need to provide an invoice or receipt for the item purchased and evidence that all instalments have been paid for in full.

To do this, you can simply take a screenshot of the order in the finance provider’s app and submit it with your claim through our client portal (web and app) or via email at accounts@myplanmanager.com.au.

When submitting a reimbursement request to us, the NDIA requires you to attach a paid invoice or receipt that includes the ABN of the business you’ve purchased from. 

Overseas businesses are unlikely to have an ABN, but we can still process your claim if the business completes a ‘Statement by supplier’ form. Don’t forget to send the completed form to accounts@myplanmanager.com.au!

Transport helps people to get out and about, attend appointments, go to work, and enjoy life in the community. For NDIS participants, it’s often a crucial support that aids them in achieving their goals as well.

If you use transport services (like taxis) and want your out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed, you’ll need to send us a paid invoice or receipt (the driver or taxi company can provide this).

If you use rideshare services (like Uber), you can download a receipt from the provider’s app and send that to us as part of your claim.

If your supports include a personalised driving service, and you pay up front, be sure to request a paid invoice or receipt so we can reimburse you. Alternatively, the provider can send their invoice to us directly and we can pay them.

You can submit your claims through our client portal (web and app) or via email at accounts@myplanmanager.com.au.


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My Plan Manager acknowledges the objectives of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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