To date, our clients have been able to make purchases that fall within their plan budget and goals and be reimbursed by My Plan Manager. This can still occur, but a requirement is that all provider invoices or receipts submitted by clients for reimbursement by the NDIA must include a valid Australian Business Number (ABN).
Alternatively, the NDIA will accept an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Statement by a supplier form declaration from an exempt service provider in those rare circumstances when a provider may not have an ABN.
These NDIA/ATO requirements are set out on page 10 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, which My Plan Manager must adhere to.
To ensure compliance with the NDIA – and in order for My Plan Manager to submit your invoice/receipt for reimbursement by the NDIA - you will need to show a tax invoice or receipt that includes an ABN for any plan managed purchases you make.
If you submit to My Plan Manager a receipt or invoice to be processed for reimbursement by the NDIA without a valid ABN, or without the provider completing and returning to My Plan Manager a Statement by a supplier form, we will not be able to process the payment. Further, the NDIA will decline to release funds for payment.
My Plan Manager is required to keep a completed Statement by a supplier form for five years, However, subject to the reasons for the provider not having an ABN, My Plan Manager may require an updated form from time to time.
If you purchase from a business overseas, it is not likely to have an ABN. However, we can process the reimbursement if the business completes a Statement by a supplier form and returns it to
Disclaimer: the above information is as provided by the NDIA and published in the NDIA Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. It does not represent and should not be taken to represent financial advice of any sort.
Changes to the way in which client transport budgets and reimbursements are managed have also come into effect to ensure compliance with National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) requirements.
Transport enables you to access disability supports outside your home, and to achieve the goals in your plan. It enables you to travel to and from appointments, or your place of work.
Changes to the transport budget have come into effect because all payments made by Agency and Plan Managers are to be accompanied by evidence of payments being made (reimbursements), or services being provided for which payment is now required (invoices).
These arrangements are set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, which My Plan Manager must adhere to.
To ensure compliance with the NDIA, you will now need to show a tax invoice/receipt for any plan-managed transport services that you use in order for My Plan Manager to reimburse the funds to you.
The easiest way to do this is to send the tax invoice/receipt for your transport to, along with your bank details. Once My Plan Manager receives this, we can process the payment to your account.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and have outlined the steps that you can take to ensure that you are reimbursed for any plan-managed transport you pay for out-of-pocket.
Request and send My Plan Manager the tax invoice/receipt from taxis.
If you take Uber or other rideshare/DiDi, you can download a receipt from the app. For Uber, press the horizontal lines in the top left corner of the home screen, select ‘Your Trips’, then the trip you took at the top of the screen, then select ‘Receipt’. When you do this, you can message or email a PDF copy of the receipt to your inbox, then send us the receipt.
If your supports include a personalised driving service, be sure you request and send us the tax invoice/receipt they issue. Or, they can send their invoice directly to My Plan Manager at and we will process the payment straight to their account.
If you have any questions, please contact us at, or call us on 1800 861 272 from 8am-5.30pm (ACDT) Monday to Friday. Our team will be more than happy to assist.
Updated 18 February 2025