Alan's an Aussie larrikin who likes woodwork, trucks and Slim Dusty – and he’s living his life to the full.
Alan joined the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) six months after it launched in Queensland, and he says it’s been ‘a complete game changer that lets me do so much’.
He gives a lot of credit to his team of ‘awesome’ support workers, who support him to enjoy woodwork twice a week and attend NRL games, rockabilly concerts and drag racing.
His NDIS funding has helped him to access respite services and, with his support worker, he’s explored Roma, Dubbo and Cunnamulla – where he went on truck routes with triple road trains, visited a cattle yard, and saw the Cunnamulla Fella, a tribute to the Aussie stockman Slim Dusty made famous.
At his regular community music classes, Alan plays the Octopad, riffing with his experienced mentors while having a coffee and a yarn. One of his mentors has even worked with Australia country music star, Kasey Chambers, which Alan is quietly impressed about.
“My support workers assist me with domestic odds and ends too, like mowing my lawn and meal preparation. The support worker who does that is a former chef who used to run a kitchen,” says Alan.
Lucky him!
Alan’s NDIS funding has also provided him with a Seeing Eye Dog from Vision Australia – and Xenon and Alan are frequent visitors to My Plan Manager expo stands and events in Queensland.
Initially he used a digital platform to find his support workers, and Alan says he ‘fell into luck’ from there.
In his view, having common interests is vital to the relationship between Alan and those who support him, and with people who like to travel, make music, cook, chat and drink in life, it seems he’s really struck gold.
“None of this would exist without the NDIS,” says Alan. “It takes a load off the family and my partner, and it’s so much better for me. I couldn’t have done half of this stuff without being on the Scheme – I wouldn’t be doing much at all.”
One day, Alan hopes to be in a band and play music in clubs. We’re here for it, that’s for sure!