By now, you may already know that plan management is one of four fund management options available to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants (the others are agency management, self management, or a combination of two or more options).
And, if you’ve been plan managed for a while, you’re probably aware of some of the upsides – like being able to access more providers and having someone on hand to take time-consuming paperwork off your plate.
But at My Plan Manager, there’s a lot more to what we do – and that translates into a whole lot more that our clients and their supports can expect from us!
We believe that utilising our services to their full capacity is your basic right as a customer. Our core responsibility is to support our clients to manage their NDIS funds, and to educate them about the opportunities, resources and services available, so they’re better supported to exercise choice and control in every area of life.
We’re Australia’s largest (and leading!) plan management service, and we’ve been around the longest too! That means we’ve learned a lot along the way and refined our systems and processes so they’re the best in the business.
Not all plan managers are created equal, and that’s why choice and control is everything! Weighing up your options? Here’s just a few of the benefits of life as a My Plan Manager client.
We see NDIS plans every single day – hundreds, if not thousands of them come across our desks each week, so our people know the ins and outs of using them effectively and maximising every dollar. We also have a commitment to ensuring you have the opportunity to achieve your goals, like every other Australian, and that vision drives every aspect of our business.
If you have a sticky question about your plan – like what it will fund or how to use it – we’re here to answer it. No question is too tricky for our plan management experts, who’ll give you more confidence and certainty with using your plan.
Budgeting your NDIS funding can help you to access the supports you need for the entire duration of your plan. Here’s how we can help you do this:
This can create a clearer picture of how much funding you have available to spend with the providers you want to use.
If you haven’t had this conversation with us, it’s not too late to get in touch. If one of your budgets is running low, we’ll send you an SMS to let you know, and we can have a conversation about what to do next – like what other budgets you may be able to claim from.
We can also work with you to lock in service agreements with providers, which basically locks in funding to access them for the period of time you want. This can create confidence and certainty with using their services, because you and they know right from the start that there’s funding set aside.
It’s true – a plan manager exists to remove time-consuming paperwork so you can focus on what’s important, like growing capacity to achieve the outcomes you’re after. However, just one of the many things that sets great plan managers apart from the rest is the technology they use to support clients to self service and gain greater oversight of their funding.
At My Plan Manager, we’ll help you to track plan spending, see your budget in a snapshot and check the payment status of invoices to give you more control over your plan. This all happens via our simple-to-use client portal and mobile app, which show your budget in real time whenever you want to access it.
Our tech tools will also give you complete visibility of how much funding you have left, to help avoid a budget blow out. For the clearest picture of your funds, we recommend referring to the budgets we’ve set up with you and to the client portal/mobile app.
We scrutinise every invoice to make sure providers aren’t charging more than the rates set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (formerly known as the NDIS Price Guide). Our technology is the most sophisticated system in the sector and allows 32 checks (and counting) to be completed on every invoice, to provide confidence that your finances are in safe hands.
We can also help you to verify the services you’ve been invoiced for, and to make sure they’re being billed against the correct budgets. You can also let us know if you have any concerns about invoices or the charges being made by your providers, and we’ll happily assist you.
Today, there are more than half a million Australians participating in the NDIS, and a substantial number of those people and their families place their trust and confidence in My Plan Manager. They invite us into their lives to assist them with managing their funding, and to educate them about the opportunities, resources and services available to them, so they are better supported to exercise choice and control in every area of life.
However, our role also brings with it a responsibility to promote and protect the rights and dignity of people with disability, and to ensure their voices are heard and prioritised in every discussion about them. It is through this lens that My Plan Manager actively promotes an environment of zero tolerance of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.
We know that people with significant or profound disability are particularly vulnerable to systemic and opportunistic harm, and we’re often their first line of defence in raising concerns about actual and potential risks. That’s why we proactively work to detect and report vulnerability, safety and safeguarding concerns, to improve outcomes for the thousands of Australians with disability who we support.
We work to promote and protect the rights of people with disability and to ensure their voices are heard. If you have concerns about fraud, if something goes wrong with your supports or services, or if you’re at risk of danger, we’re here to listen, and we can provide guidance on who to report to and how.
With your permission, we can speak with your providers to improve the invoicing process. This includes meeting Australian Taxation Office and NDIA requirements, and providing every piece of information we require upfront to avoid a payment delay which may impact their services.
If you’re a client of My Plan Manager, we hope this information has reinforced your decision to entrust your plan to Australia’s largest (and leading!) plan manager. If you’re not yet a client, we hope it’s given you confidence and certainty with choosing a plan manager that’s right for you.
If you have any questions, or if you want to know more about the services we offer at My Plan Manager, be sure to call or email us:
Existing clients – email or call us on 1800 861 272 from 8am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Not a client? Email or call us on 1800 934 170 from 8am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday.