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Group homes the focus of NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission inquiry

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Safe living conditions are a fundamental human right and key to quality of life. Yet a recent inquiry by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) investigated more than 7000 reportable incidents and complaints made across a four-year period from residents living in supported accommodation across Australia.

Earlier this month, the NDIS Commission handed down a report arising from its inaugural Own Motion Inquiry into Aspects of Supported Accommodation in the NDIS. The inquiry considered incidents and complaints about supports in group homes related to seven of the nation’s largest providers of supported accommodation.

The inquiry examined more than 1700 incidents of serious injury, a similar number of incidents of abuse, and almost 1300 incidents related to neglect. Unlawful physical contact, death, sexual misconduct, and unlawful sexual contact incidents were also reviewed.

The 7000 incidents and complaints were made to the NDIS Commission during the period from 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2022. However, it’s thought the true number of incidents may be higher – with challenges posed by existing pathways for people with disability to make reports.

At 31 December 2022, there were 29,812 participants with Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding in their NDIS plans and 22,069 participants had been allocated Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding. These figures indicate a high percentage of people in group homes are likely to have experienced reportable incidents.

The Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, said people living in supported accommodation often had complex support needs, including those associated with a profound intellectual, physical and/or sensory disability, and some had limited or no ability to undertake tasks of daily living, including communication, without support.

“I believe that having safe home living arrangements are fundamental to the quality of life for every Australian,” Minister Shorten said.

“People with a disability have the right to a safe living arrangement, even when it is challenging.

“People with disability have the right to have their voice heard, particularly when it comes to the quality of their day-to-day lives.”

Minister Shorten said the inquiry ‘sought to better understand the challenges faced by people living in supported accommodation when exercising choice and control about their supports’, and a number of key actions would be taken in response to its findings. Actions will include:

  • Changes to regulation and monitoring of supported accommodation, including the introduction of new standards for supported accommodation.
  • Developing a targeted program of communication, engagement and education with people with disability in supported accommodation to support them to exercise their rights.
  • Increasing oversight of unregistered SIL providers and ensuring they are meeting the NDIS code of conduct.

To find out more:

Read the joint media release from Minister Shorten and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Read about the Own Motion Inquiry into Aspects of Supported Accommodation in the NDIS – and download its full report

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