Just like a household budget can allocate cash to pay the bills and put food on the table, budgeting your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan funding can help you to access the supports you need across the entire duration of your plan.
A great time to budget is when you start a new plan, or if your plan has been extended or rolled over – and the good news is, we’re here to help. To connect with our team of NDIS experts for support with budgeting, you can call us on 1800 861 272 from 8am-6pm (SA time), Monday to Friday, or email us at enquiries@myplanmanager.com.au.
If you have a support coordinator, you can also provide them with access to your My Plan Manager client portal, so they can see what funding you have, where you can spend it, and how long it will last – and that means they can also help you to forward plan and budget for the duration of your NDIS plan.
You can provide your support coordinator (and others) with access to your information through our client portal by completing this consent form. You can fill the form out on a computer or print it out and complete it in writing. Once completed, you can email it to enquiries@myplanmanager.com.au and we’ll take it from there.
We also encourage providers to have a service agreement in place with their clients, setting out the cost and quantity of the services they will deliver to you in a Schedule of Supports.
A Schedule of Supports lets us ‘lock in’ funds in your NDIS plan to make sure they're available each time your provider submits an invoice (as per their service agreement with you) – which is essential to keeping supports in place. Once we’ve locked in funding for your preferred providers, you can see it on the client portal, which will help you to keep track of your budget!