There’s no doubt about it; we live in expensive times!
With the cost of living going up, and inflation and interest rates showing only early signs of coming down, we know every dollar counts in households across Australia.
That’s why it’s so important to recoup out-of-pocket expenses wherever possible, so you can keep your money where it belongs: in your wallet.
Cue the My Plan Manager crash course in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) reimbursements.
An NDIS reimbursement happens when you use your own money to pay for a support or service that’s been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), and then you submit a claim to be paid back for it (as long as your NDIS plan has funding available for it).
Maybe you’ve purchased a non-slip bathmat or a portable ramp, or maybe you have a transport budget, but you’ve paid a taxi fare with the cash in your pocket. Or perhaps you’ve purchased a walking stick to help you to get around more independently. Whatever it is, if it’s been approved by the NDIA and you have the funding available in your plan, you can send a claim to us, and we’ll get the ball rolling.
There are a few tips and tricks for getting reimbursements right, so we recommend you keep reading.
Making a claim is easy – just follow two simple steps:
#1. Make sure you get a receipt or tax invoice
To ensure compliance with the NDIA – and to give us everything we need to process your claim and submit it to the Agency for review – you’ll need to provide a receipt or a tax invoice that shows you’ve paid in full. The Australian Business Number (ABN) of the business you paid needs to be included on the invoice too.
#2. Submit your claim
There are two simple ways to submit a claim for reimbursement, but the one we recommend (because it’s quicker and keeps you updated as your claim progresses) is to use our client portal.
Available via web and app, My Plan Manager’s client portal is easy to use, it offers stacks of features to help you take control of your funding, and it makes submitting claims a breeze. Best of all, once you put your claim into the portal, it files it straight away, so you can see the payment status whenever you want to.
Explore everything our client portal has to offer here – or if you already use it, then jump online, log in, and refresh your knowledge so you can submit and monitor the progress of your claims with ease.
If easy-to-use tech isn’t your thing, you can submit a reimbursement by email instead. Find out how to do that here.
Your NDIS plan includes information about the supports you can use and the funding that’s available for you to spend. Every person is different, and so are their plans, so make sure to check yours before you start spending.
If you’re a My Plan Manager client and you want to make sure your reimbursement requests aren’t rejected, we recommend you check with our NDIS experts first before making a purchase. Their advice will give you the confidence to use your funding correctly so you can access the supports you need.
You can also ask your NDIA contact for advice or visit the NDIS website for information about the types of supports you can buy with your NDIS funding.
Legislation has tightened up spending in the Scheme, and participants can only use their funding to purchase approved supports. There are also rules about what funding can’t be used for. You can find out more about what’s approved and what’s not by clicking here.
Once we receive a compliant claim (which means that everything we need to review and send to the NDIA is there), we check that it meets the Agency’s rules and requirements, and then we submit it. That usually takes less than 48 hours.
Like us, the NDIA is focused on protecting you and your funding, so Agency staff may need up to 10 working days to review a claim, but in many cases it’s a lot quicker than that.
Once that’s done – and assuming everything is correct, and the claim is approved – the NDIA releases the fund to us, and we pay the claim.
You can find out more about the process here.
Note: If you’re accessing ongoing supports, it’s best to have your provider invoice us directly. That way, you’re not out of pocket and we’ll be able to process the claim faster!
If you have questions or need a little support before you submit a claim, just give us a call on 1800 861 272. We’re on hand to assist from 8am-5.30pm (SA time), Monday to Friday.
Right now, there’s a lot of talk about National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) eligibility reassessments impacting the lives of people with disability.
Although they’ve been around for years, eligibility reassessments have been the talk of the town since changes were made to the NDIS Act in late 2024, and they’re a regular fixture in debates and discussions about access, funding, supports, and all things NDIS.
So, what’s the go? Well, buckle in – because we’ve got you covered!
An eligibility reassessment helps staff of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) understand if your support needs are being met or if they’ve changed – and whether you still fit the eligibility criteria for the Scheme.
If it looks like you may no longer be eligible for the NDIS, you or your nominee will receive a letter from the NDIA, and you’ll be given the opportunity to provide information to inform the Agency’s decision-making process.
Here’s how eligibility reassessments work:
#1. You’ll receive a letter from the NDIA
If the NDIA decides to look at your eligibility, you’ll receive a letter to tell you which eligibility requirements the Agency is looking at, and you might also be asked to provide evidence– such as reports from your providers.
#2. You’ll have time to gather your documents
Not every eligibility reassessment requires input from the participant, but if there’s information or evidence you want to submit – or if the NDIA asks you for some – then you’ll have 90 days to gather everything you need, and you can request a bit more time if you need it.
Previously, the NDIA required all supporting information to be delivered within 28 days but following feedback from the disability sector and NDIS participants, that timeline was extended to 90 days in early 2025.
The NDIA staff who make the decision about your eligibility will be different from those who first decided you were eligible for the Scheme and separate to those who approved your NDIS plan (or plans). What that means is the decision will be made independently by people who don’t have a personal connection to you or a history of making decisions about your NDIS supports.
“While eligibility reassessments have always been a part of the NDIS, we know the experience is likely to be a new one for most participants,” says NDIA CEO, Rebecca Falkingham. “This means the process can make people feel stressed or unsure.”
“For some participants, their support needs won’t change. For others, they may reduce over time.”
If you’re not sure which requirements you met when you first joined the NDIS, take a look at the access decision letter that was sent to you at the time, or contact the NDIA to find out.
If you’ve had an eligibility reassessment in the past, you should’ve received an outcome letter as part of that process, and that should include details about why the Agency decided you should continue to receive NDIS supports.
#3. The NDIA makes its decision
The legislation says that once the NDIA has all the evidence it’s asked for, it has 14 days to make a decision or to request more information.
If the Agency reassesses your eligibility and decides you still meet the criteria for the Scheme, nothing changes. You can continue using your NDIS funding for the supports you need.
If your status as an NDIS participant is revoked, you can speak to the NDIA to find out more, or you or your nominee can request an internal review.
If you don’t agree with the outcome of the internal review, you can apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal for an external review.
Under new legislation, people appealing decisions about their NDIS eligibility can’t submit a new access request until the review has been completed.
To find out more about what to do if you don’t agree with a decision the NDIA makes, click here.
During a parliamentary hearing held in late 2024, the NDIA confirmed it was conducting some 1200 eligibility reassessments each week, with around 48 per cent of cases resulting in the person having their NDIS eligibility revoked. Eighty per cent of the reassessments related to early childhood participants, with the remaining 20 per cent covering participants of different ages and with a range of disability types.
The NDIA is particularly focused on the ongoing eligibility of people who receive support through the NDIS Early Intervention pathway (usually children). That’s because evidence shows that supporting people early can improve outcomes and reduce the need for supports later in life.
But not everyone who has their eligibility reassessed is a child. Sometimes, the Agency might reassess your eligibility for the Scheme because there are questions about whether you meet the residency or disability requirements of the NDIS. If that applies to you, the NDIA will guide you on the type of evidence it needs to help it make a decision.
Eligibility reassessments aren’t new, but recent changes to legislation mean the NDIA is playing close attention to the support needs of current participants, and considering the most appropriate sources of those supports (including mainstream and community services, as well as the NDIS).
If the Agency notifies you that it’s reviewing your eligibility, you’ll still be able to use your NDIS supports while an audit of the evidence the NDIA has on file is underway. If your plan is being reassessed at the same time as your eligibility, you might get a new plan, so your ongoing supports aren’t interrupted.
The Agency will try to get the information it needs without asking you to provide further evidence, but NDIA staff might also write to you to ask for specific information or a report in a format that helps them to make an eligibility decision.
Make sure you read any letters the NDIA sends to you, so you know exactly why your eligibility is being reviewed, and consider talking to family members, friends, trusted providers, or even a disability advocate to get help with providing information to support your case. You can talk to the NDIA too.
“No matter a participant’s circumstances, we want them to feel supported in every interaction they have with the NDIA,” says Ms Falkingham. “That’s why we are committed to always improving the ways we work.”
In early 2025, the new Minister for the NDIS, Amanda Rishworth, reportedly told The Australian newspaper that the Federal Government isn’t planning to change the NDIS eligibility criteria – which means the reasons why someone can or can’t stay in the Scheme aren’t expected to change.
You can find out more about the NDIS eligibility criteria here.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is founded on the ideals of the free market, with people with disability being active consumers who’re able to make choices about where they spend their funding to receive the support that suits them best.
But choice and control doesn’t have the same impact when choice is limited.
And choice could become challenging, it seems, with 21 per cent of providers who responded to a national survey detailed in the National Disability Services (NDS) State of the Disability Sector Report, saying they’re considering getting out of the sector entirely.
Their considerations could be linked to the fact that half the provider respondents to the survey reported they made a financial loss in the 2023-2024 financial year, while just 13 per cent broke even. Additionally, 80 per cent of respondents said they were concerned they wouldn’t be able to continue providing NDIS services at the rates outlined in the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (the Price Guide).
Why does this matter to participants? Well… because, if providers can’t cover their expenses – including staff training, compliance, recruitment, retention, filling vacancies or finding new clients – they’re at risk of shutting up shop, leaving participants with less choice or, even more critically, at risk of being unsupported.
And all of this is happening against the backdrop of the rising cost of living that’s impacting all Australians. Utility bills have gone up, insurance premiums have increased, petrol prices have surged, and yet many items in the Price Guide have remained the same for at least five years.
Weigh all that up and the maths is simple – it costs more today to do business.
NDS CEO, Michael Perusco, says the State of the Disability Sector Report shows it’s vital the National Disability Insurance Agency works with providers to achieve policy settings so providers can continue to serve and support people with disability and their loved ones.
"We are particularly concerned about the likely closure of some long-standing services across the country. This will leave people with disability with fewer options and some with very complex needs will have no other options at all,” says Mr Perusco.
"These organisations are acting as the safety net for people, particularly when there are no suitable alternative federal, state or non-government supports available.
"It is incredible to see the adaptability and resilience of many service providers in a tough environment as they continue to work hard to support to people with disability, but they too need support to keep going.”
So, what does the future hold?
The NDS survey found almost all providers (96 per cent) are working hard to improve productivity and 51 per cent want to expand their operations, but they can’t do that much longer under current conditions without government support.
“What’s needed is assistance with innovative measures to improve productivity, fair funding that supports sustainable services, and action to build a stronger workforce and provide more employment opportunities,” says Mr Perusco.
There is a will and a drive to work smarter and be creative to find solutions for participants. But no-one operates in a vacuum and NDS warns that the Federal Government – which controls much of the way the NDIS operates – must support effective operations for providers. Meanwhile, it says state and territory governments must ensure foundational supports are in place, in order to contribute to the sustainability of the NDIS.
The Scheme is Australia’s biggest social reform since Medicare. And that means we owe it to each other and the people with disability who are participants – or who will join as participants – to get it right, now and in the future.
By now you’ll know all about the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s (NDIS) new spending rules and how they’ve changed the way funding is allocated and used.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has defined the supports participants can’t and can’t purchase, and clarified the rules around requesting a substitute – known as a ‘replacement support’.
The question is, what exactly is a replacement support, what can it replace, and when?
The NDIA defines a replacement support as a service, an item, or equipment a participant would like to use instead of the NDIS support or supports in their plan, with the Agency confirming replacements are substitutes and not additional supports.
Currently, the list of replacement supports is limited to:
Replacing an approved support with a standard commercially available household item may be considered when there’s clear evidence that the need relates specifically to a participant’s impairment.
You can discover more about impairments and how they relate to NDIS eligibility here.
A replacement may also be considered if it’s seen to increase ‘whole task’ independence and reduce or remove the need for a support worker or disability specific assistive technology (e.g., a blender to prepare meals aligned to a modified diet).
The NDIA may consider a replacement when a participant needs a device or app to meet communication and accessibility needs arising from disability. An example could include a non-verbal participant utilising a tablet to communicate with their loved ones and service providers.
Any smart device used for tracking purposes could be considered a restrictive practice and needs to be considered in this context.
The NDIA needs to be satisfied that a replacement support will provide the same or better outcomes and cost the same or less than a support that’s already included in a participant’s plan. Participants must apply for – and receive – approval of a replacement support before purchasing the support. To do that, they can fill out an application for a replacement support, or provide the NDIA with information to support their request by email or via a phone call to the Agency. Only some supports can be replaced and only if the NDIA agrees in writing.
If an application for a replacement support isn’t approved, the participant must wait 12 months before they can request it again. The NDIA’s decisions about replacement supports aren’t reviewable, meaning participant can’t seek to have the decisions reversed.
To keep up to date with changes to the NDIS as they come up, be sure to bookmark and visit these pages:
Summary of legislation changes | NDIS
Frequently asked questions about legislation
Provider reports are powerful devices in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that can make or break funding requests. Delivered well, they can demonstrate to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) where a participant’s at and the impact their disability has on their daily life – and they can assist with securing funding for supports that allow people to live as independently as possible.
So, what does that mean for you? Well, put simply, preparing A-grade reports in a complex ecosystem where change is a constant is a huge responsibility. But NDIS providers do incredible work, and we know you’re more than ready to step up to the plate to support your clients.
The NDIA doesn’t have a template for provider reporting, but there are tips for crafting documentation to support the best outcomes for individual participants – as Linda Grant, one of our Community Engagement and Partnerships Managers, explains.
Previously a support coordinator and a delegate at the NDIA, Linda has seen hundreds – if not thousands – of provider reports across the years, so she’s well placed to offer up guidance drawn from the ones that worked and the ones that didn’t.
If you’re a provider looking to sharpen the vital skill of report writing, be sure to consider Linda’s insights before drafting your next report.
The NDIA uses evidence to support decisions when allocating funding for NDIS supports, and provider reports often hold the key to providing that evidence. It’s a reasonable expectation that providers of most capacity building supports will report on supports delivered and progression towards – or achievement of – a person’s goals, as well as providing recommendations for the future. These reports are generally requested when a participant has an upcoming plan reassessment, or if they’re alerting the NDIA to a change in their circumstances.
Reports are also required when Level 3 and 4 assistive technology and home modifications are needed.
With stricter spending rules now in place in the NDIS, provider reporting is more essential than ever to ensuring specific supports are included in a participant’s plan.
We explore how participants can secure the funding they need here.
The NDIS support catalogue indicates when report writing is in and out of scope.
Including the information below in a report can help to paint a clearer picture of the participant and pitch a stronger case for the funding and supports they need.
Reporting structure is vital too and can influence the NDIA’s funding decisions. Be sure to clearly:
The NDIA requires providers to think about and document instances of support in terms of outcomes, not outputs. An output details an instance of support, such as ‘Carly went to the city and had a coffee’, whereas an outcome details the result of an activity and its impact. An example is below:
“Carly went into the city today. She ordered a coffee and paid for it herself. She needed prompting to wait to receive her change. Outcomes included increasing money handling skills and the opportunity to develop social skills in her community.”
Using objective, rather than subjective, language to communicate observations in provider reports is vital!
Subjective information includes personal perspectives, feelings and opinions, whereas objective language is factual and impartial.
Subjective language can look like this:
Objective language looks more like this:
The Agency uses key phases in the objects and principles of the NDIS Act and its reasonable and necessary criteria. These key phrases include:
Using these key phrases, where relevant, can create a stronger report that communicates to the NDIA in the Agency’s own language that’s tied to its principles.
Reports should be written in plain English without jargon and clinical language. They should be easily understood by the participant, their informal supports, and the NDIA representative. Don’t assume the NDIA representative has a specialist background or understands complex industry speak!
Reports need to describe the positive or negative impact of the service, support or equipment on the person’s ability to live an ordinary life – in language that’s understandable to anyone.
Also consider these points:
Provider reporting is a vital tool in NDIS, and we hope Linda’s tips have added value. If you want to know more, be sure to check out NDIS provider reporting 101.
Invoicing and record keeping. They may not be the most exciting parts of life as a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, but they’re vital.
Whether you’re a fan of hard copy documentation or you opt to keep evidence of your service delivery and claims in electronic form, one thing is clear – maintaining full and accurate records is a must.
We spoke to Angela Harvey, Managing Director of boutique NDIS consulting agency, Supporting Potential, to find out why.
Here’s what she had to say.
By Angela Harvey – Managing Director, Supporting Potential
In the dynamic field of disability services, the importance placed on defensible documentation is greater now than ever before.
While some may view it as a bureaucratic pain, documentation is a fundamental aspect of practice for providers of NDIS supports – one that safeguards participants and protects providers from consequences that can potentially become legal.
Defensible documentation comprises records that are clear, accurate, and comprehensive.
Currently, in the NDIS, the rules around record keeping vary depending on whether a provider is registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission or not.
However, the introduction of uniform standards is expected, and that means every provider should take the opportunity now to focus on getting their house in order.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) requires providers to maintain complete, truthful, and accurate records to support their claims, including:
Service agreements are contentious, because the NDIS Practice Standards only require participants to have a clear understanding of the supports they’ve chosen and how they’ll be provided.
So, while it isn’t stated that service agreements need to be documented in writing (except for those related to Specialist Disability Accommodation), the NDIA ‘recommends having a written service agreement so participants and providers are clear about what each party has agreed to.'
Separately, the Commission mandates that registered providers maintain records across a raft of areas, such as:
Recent legal cases highlight the importance of robust documentation, with courts and regulatory bodies examining NDIS provider records closely to ensure compliance with standards and the protection of participant rights.
Inadequate documentation can lead to severe consequences for providers, including fines and service suspensions. In several cases around the country, providers have faced significant penalties – not only for the absence of support documentation, but also for failing to document essential details that a reasonable person would expect to be recorded.
There’s been an uptick in the number of requests for support our team has received from providers who thought they had appropriate systems and documentation in place, but later found themselves needing to take remedial action following compliance investigations undertaken by the Commission. Examples include providers that:
While requirements around record-keeping can sometimes feel overwhelming, it’s important to remember that defensible documentation not only serves legal and compliance requirements, but also offers significant operational benefits to providers. Value delivered includes:
To ensure documentation is defensible, providers should provide regular staff training on the importance of documentation and the techniques to be applied to it, use technology to streamline data collection and management, and conduct regular audits to identify improvements and ensure compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards.
Reliable documentation supports an organisation's sustainability and effectiveness and ultimately aids in protecting the wellbeing of participants.
In an industry focused on supporting vulnerable people, the value of dependable and defensible documentation can’t be overstated.
For more information about invoicing and record keeping, click here.
It’s true, clients want providers with the skills and expertise to do a great job. But when it comes to delivering a great service, other factors come into play – with attributes like clear communication, honesty and consistency deeply impacting the overall client experience.
As providers, we strive to understand our clients so we can shape our service and meet them where they and their needs are at.
To help us and you make informed decisions, we spoke with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants and their families, inviting them to lift the veil on their experiences and tell us what clients really want from providers.
Alan lives in Brisbane. He joined the NDIS six months after it launched in Queensland and says becoming a participant in the Scheme has revolutionised his life.
“The NDIS in general has been a game changer in my life,” says Alan. “I’m now doing a lot more than I ever thought I’d do.”
“It’s just fantastic being on the NDIS. I don’t have to rely on family members or friends to take me places and do stuff with me. Instead, I employ professionals who support me to achieve what I want.
“I don’t have to feel guilty about it. I’m not putting people out to help me, I’m doing things with support workers that I would probably be doing on my own if I didn’t have my vision impairment.
“Life feels huge, unbelievable. I never thought I’d be doing half the stuff I’m doing now – everyday things that ‘normal’ people take for granted.”
Alan sources his support workers via a website where you can search for local providers, and he’s also found them through recommendations from people he knows.
He says he’s a good judge of character, and in his view, the most important things when it comes to staff are honesty and integrity.
“I look for honesty. If someone says they will do something, then they should do it,” says Alan. “Integrity is the same as honesty – just say, ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I can look into doing that’. Just be honest. I don’t want people to pretend to be something they’re not.”
Alan can speak up if he thinks something isn’t right and he says he’s fortunate he has the ability to do so.
“For some people, employing their own staff is daunting, and for people that find it difficult to speak up for themselves, sometimes support workers do take advantage of them,” he says.
For more than 18 years, Scott’s been receiving support from a boutique New South Wales-based non-profit provider, and his parents, John and Rita, say the consistency of working with one provider has served their son best.
“When Scott was completing his final year of high school in 2006, we sat down with his school counsellor and teachers to plan for his future as an adult,” says John. “They suggested we look at post school options and gave us the names of a few service providers.”
“Remember, the NDIS didn’t exist in 2006. Post school options were funded by the New South Wales Government’s Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, and funding wasn’t guaranteed – you had to apply every year.”
The family visited open days held at provider facilities and attended some expos, before visiting Sunnyhaven Disability Services three times, and finding it was the best fit for Scott.
“Scott is active, with challenging behaviours, so we were looking for a facility and service provider that had room and space for Scott to move around, was willing to give him a chance, had supportive, caring and trained staff who could manage Scott and his behaviours, could keep him safe, had programs – including community access – that would help develop Scott’s social and life skills, and provided transport to and from the program,” says John.
“We believe, and still believe, that we made the right choice. Scott is very happy.”
Eventually, Scott moved into supported independent living (SIL) accommodation. Sunnyhaven provided support coordination for Scott and organised transport so he could stay with John and Rita in the family home at weekends.
“Using a provider with integrated services has made communication and support coordination much easier and less stressful for Scott and us,” says John.
He says having continuity of care for their son gives him and Rita peace of mind, knowing Scott will be well supported into the future, no matter what.
“Our son is safe, well cared for, and has programs that are tailored to his needs,” says John. “When the time comes and we are no longer here to look after Scott (or we become incapacitated), it is comforting to know that Scott is happy, has a safe place to live, and will be well looked after.”
Sally’s a permanent wheelchair user and has an intellectual disability. She lives in SIL accommodation and relies on family members to advocate for her.
Sally’s sister Kate shares Alan’s conviction that honesty and integrity are non-negotiables for providers in the disability sector.
“Clear communication, honesty, and transparency – they’re all a must, because they demonstrate a genuine commitment to doing the right thing,” says Kate.
“Transparency and authenticity go a long way. Providers, and certainly their staff, are human, and everyone understands that mistakes get made. But when those mistakes aren’t once-offs, and when they have significant impacts on a person who the provider is being paid to support, the provider can’t just hide and duck and weave – they need to get real.”
Kate says NDIS participants are ‘everyday people wanting to live ordinary lives’, and it’s vital providers get to know and understand what that looks like for each client.
She believes providers have a responsibility to come to work as ‘their best selves’, and to remember that good customer service is every bit as important within the NDIS as outside of it.
“If you go to work in a non-NDIS environment and bring your bad day with you, your clients and colleagues aren’t going to accept that, so why should a person with disability accept it? At the end of the day, providers should always remember that participants have a choice, and if you don't show up as the best provider, they’ll exercise their choice and find a better one,” says Kate.
“What makes a good provider is a real understanding of the client-provider relationship and what makes a terrible provider is one that positions themselves as the authority on another person’s life.
“The lines shouldn’t be blurred when it comes to who’s in the position of power. It’s the customer – the participant – who always comes first.
Sally has several providers in her world, including support workers, allied health professionals, and staff in a day options program, and Kate says it’s clear when Sally’s satisfied with their services.
“She might not be hugely verbal, but when things are going well, Sally’s mood lifts,” says Kate. “It’s evident when she’s happy. If she knows she’s going to see a provider she really likes, she just lights up, and she’s visibly happy anticipating their time together.”
“Sally’s recall isn’t great, but when she likes someone, she remembers their name or gives them a nickname, and she asks to see them, so we can tell she’s comfortable with them.
“We notice when she’s settled – she needs or wants less of us because she has more in her life. If we go to see her and there’s a provider there who she really enjoys spending time with, she’ll tell us it’s time for us to go – even if it’s only five minutes since we arrived!”
Kate adds that it’s equally clear when support is lacking, or when Sally isn’t feeling at ease. “When things aren’t going well, her mood is flat, she gets teary, and her behaviours escalate,” says Kate. “We know then that it’s time to look more closely at Sally’s environment and the people in it.”
While it seems relatively simple for clients to tell their providers what they want, getting clear on what they don’t want is a little more nuanced.
For Alan, providers that invest heavily in advertising leave him wondering whether they’re spending their money in the right places, and that makes him look even more closely at the rates they charge him for their services.
“There are big businesses that advertise on TV that charge top dollar for everything, because they can,” says Alan.
“I don't think a provider should charge top dollar just because they can. If you give a top service, then charge top dollar. Again, it's all about honesty.
“None of my support workers work for the maximum NDIS rate, they work for below it and that’s what they choose to do.”
Kate says that while everyone understands providers in the disability sector are businesses, and businesses need to make money, treating participants as a means to an end and failing to see them as ‘whole people’ raises a red flag.
“What grinds my gears is a provider that sees their clients as cash cows – regardless of the industry they’re in,” says Kate. “That’s even more of a concern for me in a sector dealing with vulnerable people.”
“People with disability are human beings – and at the flick of a switch, any one of us could become a person with disability. All it takes is a car crash, a medical incident, or a workplace accident.
“The line between ‘us’ and ‘them’ is a fine one and keeping it in sight is a powerful reminder to everyone to treat others as we’d like ourselves to be treated.”
John and Rita are also clear about the behaviours they won’t accept from Scott’s providers.
“Thankfully, nothing like this has ever happened, so this is hypothetical,” says John. “We wouldn’t want providers who have an unprofessional manner, who are unreliable, who don’t communicate, who don’t get back to you, or who don’t listen.”
“We wouldn’t like it if the images or services in the brochures didn’t match reality, or if the service feels unsafe, with untrained, unfriendly or aggressive staff or management.
“We wouldn’t like it if there were poor systems and procedures or poorly maintained facilities – and we wouldn’t like it if a provider wasn’t flexible, or was giving us the ‘take it or leave it’ attitude, cancelling last minute or not honouring the service agreement.”
Finally, for Rita and John, they want all providers to ensure they’re listening to all participants – especially people like Scott, who don’t use words to communicate.
“The current world is set up to listen to people who can advocate for themselves – and even then, it can be a long and exhausting battle of advocacy for people with disability,” says John.
“The most important thing we want all providers to understand is the dreams and goals and needs of people who don't use words to speak are just as important as everyone else's.”
Kate says her family’s experiences with supporting Sally have helped them to identify what makes a great provider.
Here are their tips for providers looking to set themselves up for success.
We’ve long defined Australia as the land of the ‘fair go’ – a place of mutual respect and equal opportunity, regardless of difference or circumstance.
But consider these numbers:
These statistics – discussed in this research article – are stark, and they underscore just some of the many factors impacting the representation of people with disability in the leadership ranks of our nation.
It begs the question, how inclusive is Australia really?
Diversity of leadership is addressed in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, the Federal Government’s framework to improve the lives of people in the disability community.
More leaders with disability can help to make the world a fairer place, creating a positive frame of reference for peers aspiring to enhance their skills, broaden their employment opportunities, and develop their careers.
Diversifying Australia’s leadership ranks and including quality candidates with disability exemplifies the ‘fair go’ that’s ingrained in our social fabric and strengthens the foundation upon which our community is built. It also paints a truer picture of the depth and breadth of global demographics.
Put simply, it’s important for people with disability to be leaders and represented at all levels and across all industries – and it adds value to all of us.
Leadership is the focus of the 2024 International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), celebrated on 3 December.
The theme – Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future – invites us all to step up to the plate.
So, what practical steps can you or your organisation take to ensure people with disability have every opportunity to embrace and explore their leadership potential? Here are a four thought-starters.
#1. First up, we love this short film from the Australian Disability Network. It uses the comedic talents of Madeleine Stewart and Sam Wade to upskill people and businesses by providing lots of laughs and some great practical tools for the creation of inclusive workplaces.
It’s well worth watching and great for sharing with your colleagues and others in your social and professional networks to get them thinking about inclusivity.
#2. Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) has released a leadership and mentoring toolkit, which the organisation’s CEO, Sophie Cusworth, says has the potential to transform opportunities for those who use it.
“For too long, our community has been excluded from opportunities to lead and participate, in all areas of life,” she says. “We want to see a world that values the leadership of women and gender diverse people with disabilities, and challenges harmful and false narratives about who can and can’t be a leader.”
“This toolkit is designed by and for our community, to equip women and gender diverse people with disabilities with the skills and confidence to lead, participate, and influence. We want to see a future where our voices are heard, valued, and leading the way.”
You can find an Auslan-interpreted version of the Toolkit on YouTube and access Easy Read PDFs in a variety of languages here.
#3. Interested in a directory of disability-led businesses, as well as resources and training to help people to become more confident leaders? The Disability Leadership Institute has got you covered. Click here to find out more.
For organisations looking to recruit high-potential disability leaders as board members, executives and managers, or identify quality public speakers and media spokespeople, the Institute keeps a national register of disability leaders and it can help you to make connections too.
#4. Feeling inspired? Why not dip into the stories of this year’s IDPwD ambassadors. From DJ and music producer, Cooper Smith, to award-winning intuitive speaker, thought leader and human-rights activist, Khadija Gbla, the 2024 ambassadors are certainly a varied and talented group.
Wow! It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it?
With the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review, the NDIS Amendment Bill (which is now law), and a multitude of taskforces on the Disability Royal Commission, fraud, pricing, and provider and worker registration, 2024 has been a rollercoaster ride!
And amid all the uncertainty, the disability community has also been getting to grips with the changes arising from the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) PACE computer system and the Australian Government’s rules about the supports people can and can’t spend their NDIS funding on.
Lots of participants now have new-look plans and some have unfamiliar categories of funding and stated supports where flexibility previously existed. In most cases, it’ll just take time to learn how everything works, but for some people, a change of plan – or adjustments to the one they already have – will be needed.
So, how do you go about it? If you’re seeking a change, here’s a guide to help you understand the options available to you.
Usually initiated by the Agency a few months before your plan reassessment is due, a participant check-in provides an opportunity for you or your nominee to speak with the NDIA about your plan, your funding, your supports, and your experience as a participant in the NDIS.
The Agency uses check-ins to start the ball rolling for plan reassessments, so it’s important to be prepared. The things you discuss during a check-in might mean:
If you joined the Scheme to access supports you no longer need, this might be discussed during the check-in too.
Take a look at our article about check-ins and click on this page on the NDIS website to find out more.
To help you prepare for a check-in, you can also download NDIS booklets and fact sheets here.
Whether you initiate it, or the Agency does, your plan reassessment meeting is a milestone in the lifecycle of your NDIS plan.
Conducted face-to-face, over the phone, or even via a video call, plan reassessments involve you (and your nominee or support people, if you have them) and a representative of the NDIA talking about you, your plan, your funding, and how you use it.
You’ll be asked about things like what’s worked, what hasn’t, whether your circumstances have changed, the supports you use (or want to use), and the progress you’ve made – and the Agency will then decide whether any changes need to be made.
It’s important to prepare for your plan reassessment meeting, and that means making sure you’re on top of things like having your providers prepare assessments or progress reports, thinking about your supports and any changes you’d like the NDIA to make, and writing down any questions you want to ask during the meeting.
If you need changes made to your plan before your scheduled reassessment date, you can contact the NDIA at any time to ask whether adjustments are possible.
If you lodge a request for a plan reassessment without clear evidence, it may be declined, so be sure to have everything ready to present to the Agency. If you ask the NDIA to reassess your plan, you’ll get a response within 21 days to let you know if it will be varied or replaced, or if it will stay the same.
You can find out more about plan reassessments here.
Sometimes a change can be made to your plan without a plan reassessment. If that happens, it’s called a plan variation.
Variations are usually quite small changes – like correcting minor errors, changing details related to an existing stated support, or setting a new reassessment date – but the NDIS Act also allows plans to be varied in crisis or emergency situations, or if new information is provided in response to a request from the Agency.
Things change – that’s just part of life – but if those changes affect the NDIS supports you receive, you should let the NDIA know.
The Agency needs to know about changes to things such as:
Think a change in circumstances might apply to you? This page on the NDIS website has the information you need.
If you’re not happy with a decision the NDIA makes, you can ask the Agency to reconsider it by requesting an internal review of a decision.
There are some decisions the NDIA can review, and some it can’t – but if it agrees to an internal review, the Agency will check to see that the right decision was made under the law by looking at the facts and circumstances at the time of the internal review.
If more information is needed, you’ll be contacted, but you can also provide additional information when you ask for a review.
If you want to request an internal review of a decision, you have three months to do it from the date you received the original decision from the NDIA in writing. Find out more about internal reviews here. You can submit a request here.
These Guidelines will tell you more about the process and what to do if you don’t get the outcome you’re after.
If you’ve been through the internal review process and you’re still not satisfied, there are other options available to you – including asking the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) to look at the NDIA’s decision. This is known as an external review.
The ART, which has replaced the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, can consider most internal review decisions. It’s completely separate from the NDIA and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, and it exists to make sure the decisions that both those make are legally correct and fair.
The ART can look at matters including:
You can find out more about external reviews here.
Want to apply? You have 28 days from the time the NDIA makes its internal review decision to do so. Click here to get started or contact the ART for more information.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of an external review or you just need a bit of extra support, you don’t have to go it alone. The NDIS Appeals Program was set up by the Department of Social Services to help people with disability and others affected by reviewable decisions of the NDIA.
To access support, you just need an outcome from an internal review of a decision, and then you’re on your way.
There are two types of supports available via the program:
For more information about the NDIS Appeals Program, click here.