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Support coordination – the delicate art of balance – Q8

The number eight on an orange background.

Panel members

How important are mainstream and community supports for NDIS participants, and why?

EH – I am not an NDIS participant, however I rely on my community to assist with things like learning, support and friendship. I rely on mainstream services to access health care, education, leisure activities and other services. Everyone, not just NDIS participants, needs to access and utilise mainstream and community supports.

The issue is people with disabilities – including those who are not on the NDIS – struggle to connect with and access these supports because they can be difficult to connect with, hard to use, or are just totally out of reach.

Accessing services such as Centrelink and medical supports requires the ability to navigate paperwork and understand the systems in place. Getting the most out of the education system is difficult for even a ‘normal’ family. Access to supports is not universal and those that struggle are typically left behind.

We need to evaluate and adjust all of our systems so that the most vulnerable can easily participate and access support. In the meantime, support from NDIS services to assist people to overcome the impact of their disability when accessing these services is imperative and, in some respects, should be one of the most important aspects of support coordination.

SC – Very important. That is a great way for capacity building, knowing they are wanting to connect with family and their culture.

A lot of my participants like to travel back to their communities and provide food and clothing to those who are not in town.

KR – They are very important, but sometimes don’t understand the needs of people with a disability.

ZD – Mainstream and community supports are extremely important to NDIS participants, as all their health and wellbeing needs are not covered by NDIS funding, and they are generally on Disability Support Pension and struggling financially.

DB – Mainstream and community supports are vital. We all deserve access to services and supports to meet a range of our needs in the community. Sometimes for people living with a disability they can be excluded or face barriers to accessing mainstream and community supports. At Aspire Recovery Connection, many of the people we work with face stigma, discrimination and social isolation due to their mental health diagnosis. A big part of our role is helping people to connect with mainstream and community supports that are safe and accessible.

Click here for question 9.

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My Plan Manager acknowledges the objectives of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

My Plan Manager acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past and present.
© My Plan Manager 2020
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