Getting set up for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan management is easy - you just need to ask your NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to set up your plan as plan managed and include plan management funding in your budget at your initial planning meeting or review meeting. If your plan has already started you can contact the NDIS to ask for a light touch review.
This is the perfect time to learn about plan management and how it can help you once you have your plan. Here are some tips for getting your NDIS plan if you haven’t applied for the NDIS yet.
Once you start the planning process you’ll need to do some preparation – My Plan Manager’s budget calculator can help you to work out how much funding you may need. When you attend your planning meeting with your NDIA planner or LAC, to have plan management included in your plan all you need to do is ask. Plan management is free to you and your planner will include funding in your plan to cover our fees.
Your current plan is about to finish and you now have to reflect on what went well in your last plan and what you might like to change. You might want to consider what providers you want to use in next plan to achieve your goals. Being plan managed will give you access to all providers and businesses across Australia. If you want to be plan managed simply ask your planner or LAC to include funding for plan management in your budget.
If you're mid-way through your plan and you're agency or self managed but want to make the switch to plan management, you will have to contact your planner or LAC and request they do a 'light touch' review to add plan management.
If plan management funding is included in your NDIS plan, you can go ahead and sign up with a plan manager. My Plan Manager offers quick and easy online sign-up. You’ll need to fill in all your details, then read and accept our service agreement. You can also sign up over the phone with one of our Welcome team members. It’s really helpful if you can give us a copy of your NDIS plan so we can make sure your budget allocations are right when we set up your account.
If you are switching from another plan manager during the dates of your current plan, there are some steps you need to take first:
Then, to sign up with My Plan Manager: Call us and we’ll get you set up over the phone or quickly and easily register online.